Ozone Therapy Protocols and Instructions - Shallenberger
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Ozone Protocols: A Review of Ozone Therapy Applications
by Jeffrey Taylor
(Copyright Jeffrey Taylor all rights reserved 2012-2019: no duplication, printing, or reposting to the internet.
This information will appear in more detail in Jeffrey Taylor's upcoming Ozone Therapy book)

This article is a quick review of the most popular Ozone Therapy Application Methods. If you are curious as to how to use ozone, here is a list of the most popular ways to use it (step by step).

The following article was written with specific reference to the International Ozone Therapy Standards and according to International Ozone Therapy experts is a record of the safest and most effective way to perform these application methods.

Before Attempting any of these Ozone Therapy Protocols please read this:

1/ You MUST ensure that the ozone generator you are using was designed to produce very pure ozone that is free from any contaminants. Many manufacturers will claim that their ozone generators are suitable for "Medical Ozone Therapy". Unfortunately it is usually not true. It is extremely important that you make sure you have an ozone generator that produces ozone, without the ozone touching any metal, rubber, or plastic while it is inside the ozone generator. These materials are broken down (decompose) due to the ozone and the byproducts, which are added to the ozone, are toxic. Even 'stainless steel', touted to be ozone resistant is actually NOT ozone resistant, but is actually slowly degraded by the ozone and releases the metals that make up the structure of 'stainless steel' such as iron, chromium, molybdenum, magnesium, etc.

Even GE(General Electric) states on their website that:

Stainless Steel is a slightly misleading name. A more accurate description would be Harder to Stain Steel. The largest single component of stainless steel is steel. Steel does and will rust. The chromium in "stainless steel" when exposed to oxygen in the atmosphere forms a thin invisible layer called chromium oxide. This invisible layer covering the entire surface gives stainless steel its ability to resist stains and rust. If this layer is damaged (by oxidation) rust is formed on the surface at the point of that damage.

They go on to say:

Avoid damaging the chromium oxide layer by avoiding the use of cleaners that contain chlorides (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, etc.).

These Chlorides are "oxidants" and damage the stainless steel through oxidation. It just so happens that Ozone is 35 times more oxidative than chlorine. So if GE is warning you to not allow chlorine to contact the stainless steel because it will oxidize, then think of the damage done to the stainless steel by "Ozone"!! The "Stainless" steel is oxidized releasing chroimum, iron oxide (rust), molybdenum, magnesium and other metals into the ozone gas stream (and into you!). This is why the experts at the ISCO3.org have stated that "The best material to make these electrodes out of is Quartz Glass".

Consumers should be especially wary of ozone generators that use "ceramic" electrodes. While ceramic could be considered an ozone resistant material, this material (ceramic) needs to be sealed at the end of the electrode in order to ensure the ozone does not leak out. Since it is impossible to seal a ceramic surface to another ceramic surface, most manufacturers will use simple plastic caps on the end of the electrode while others will seal the ends with simple bathroom sealant, both of which will produce toxic byproducts when they come into contact with the ozone. Also, virtually all ceramic electrodes allow the ozone to come into a metal surface (usually the outer wall of the electrode) that the manufacturer will not tell you about. Read more about the hazards of ceramic electrodes here.

Never use an Air Purifier or simple little ozone generator made for washing vegetables to perform these ozone therapy protocols.

2/ You must make sure that the ozone generator makes the ozone from pure oxygen, not air. If there is no oxygen tank with your ozone generator, then don't use it. The ozone won't be the proper concentration and the ozone will not be pure enough to use for Ozone Therapy.

3/ You need to be able to adjust the ozone output concentration of the ozone, or the 'strength' of the ozone, because these Ozone Therapy Protocols all use slightly different ozone concentrations. If you can't adjust the ozone concentration of the ozone generator, or if you don't have a chart that shows you the concentrations of ozone that are being produced then don't use it for these protocols.

4/ Please Note: It is noted in the literature that all individuals using ozone therapy should also ensure adequate amounts of Vitamins B (complex), C, E, A, (& Beta Carotene), Zinc, Selenium, and some have recommended N-acetyl-Cysteine, and Copper. Please ensure that you take these supplements either a minimum of 6 hours before using ozone, or at least 1 hour after using ozone).

Rectal Insufflation: Two Methods

As the name suggests, “Rectal Insufflation” refers to introducing ozone into the body through the rectum. If you are new to ozone, this sounds like a very strange thing to do. However, oxygen (O2) has been infused rectally during surgery for years, due to the fact that oxygen is easily absorbed through the walls of the colon. The same is true for ozone (O3). Rectal Ozone Insufflation is performed regularly in clinics worldwide, and can also be performed in the home. There are many advantages to using Rectal Ozone Insufflation over all other ozone administration methods:

1/ Ozone experts around the world* believe that Rectal Ozone Insufflation is "95% as effective as Major Autohemotherapy", which is the most accepted ‘blood’ method of introducing ozone into the body. (*Renate Viebahn (Germany), Dr. Robert Rowen (USA), Dr. Frank Shallenberger MD (USA), Silvia Menendez (Cuba).

2/ Rectal insufflation is painless and a minimally invasive way to use ozone in your home that is just as effective as the blood methods but requires no needles, no syringes, no discomfort.

3/ Rectal Insufflation requires only 2 to 4 minutes of your time whereas the Major Autohemotherapy (the blood method) requires up to 40 minutes to complete.

4/ Rectal Insufflation can be performed by the average ‘home owner’ and eliminates the need of the patient to constantly visit the physician. (It is highly recommended that you seek the guidance and professional care of an Ozone Doctor, who can assess your situation, prescribe suitable therapies, and monitor your condition as you take part in the prescribed therapies).

5/ In years past, it was considered acceptable in North America for Rectal Ozone Insufflation to be performed by feeding the ozone directly from the ozone generator. However, North Americans are slowly catching up to the rest of the world, where this method of Rectal Insufflation (feeding the ozone directly from the ozone generator) is prohibited. Now the preferred method of Rectal Insufflation is to fill a specially designed bag, or a syringe, with the ozone, and then deliver the ozone from the bag or syringe. Both of these methods are discussed here for your reference, but ozone therapy experts will encourage you to use the bag or syringe method because it is far more comfortable, and far safer.

Rectal Insufflation Method 1: Using a Bag or a Syringe:
Infusing the ozone straight from the ozone generator has fallen into disfavor over the past few years, as experience and popularity of using a bag or syringe has risen rapidly. If you take ozone directly from the ozone generator for the insufflation you can’t stop the ozone flow or slow it down during the insufflation because the ozone flow is determined by the flow setting on the oxygen regulator (on the oxygen tank). However if you take the ozone from a bag or syringe you have full control over the speed that the ozone enters, and therefore have a much safer and more comfortable experience.

Filling a Bag or Syringe with ozone from the ozone generator, and then using the bag or syringe to deliver the ozone for the insufflation is therefore now the preferred way of using ozone for Rectal Insufflation. The Bag or Syringe method both allow you to slow down or even stop the ozone flow if you start to feel uncomfortable. Wait for the uncomfortable feeling to pass and you can then continue to deliver the ozone at your own speed. Both the syringe and bag method allow the patient to deliver the ozone themselves in the doctor’s office. The bag method has the added benefit of enabling the patient to take a bag of ozone home with them and infuse it there instead of at the office, whereas the doctor would normally prefer that you leave the expensive syringes in the office. How is this performed? Read on….

1. Attach a 3 way valve to the output tube of your ozone generator, and an ozone destruct to the valve to collect and destroy any offgassing ozone. (The 3 way valve is often called a ‘syringe port’, ‘luer lock’, or a ‘stopcock’.

2. Refer to the ozone output chart for your ozone generator so that you know the proper oxygen flow settings and the dial setting on your ozone generator (if available). While referring to the ozone chart that accompanied your ozone generator, set the oxygen flow regulator to the proper setting (usually 1/8 or ¼ Liter Per Minute), and if there is a dial on the ozone generator, set it at the proper level to create 30 – 45 ug/ml of ozone (or 30 – 45 “gamma”). Note: If the manufacturer of your ozone generator did not provide you with an ozone production chart (a chart showing the concentrations of ozone that your ozone generator produces), then return the ozone generator for a refund. Do not use an ozone generator unless is produces pure ozone, and unless you know exactly the ozone concentrations it produces.

3. Turn on the ozone generator. If you have attached your 3 way valve and ozone destruct properly then you should not smell any ozone (it will be destroyed by the ozone destruct).

4. Attach the bag (or the syringe) to the 3 way stopcock. Turn the valve on the 3 way stopcock to direct the ozone into the bag (or the syringe). Allow the ozone to flow until you have obtained the desired volume of ozone in the bag (or until the syringe is full if you are using a syringe). For the bag filling: If you use an oxygen flow setting of 1/8 Liter Per let the ozone flow into the bag for 1 minute to collect 125 cc of ozone (perfect for beginners), or 2 minutes to collect 250 cc of ozone. If you use an oxygen flow setting of 1/4 Liter Per let the ozone flow into the bag for 30 seconds to collect 125 cc of ozone (perfect for beginners), or 1 minute to collect 250 cc of ozone.

5. Turn the 3 way stopcock back to the original position that will send the ozone that is being created to the ozone destruct again. Disconnect the bag or syringe from the 3 way stopcock (if you are using a bag, clamp the line to the bag first; if you are using a syringe, hold the syringe upright to ensure you don’t lose any ozone).

6. Lubricate the catheter with olive oil. Insert the catheter 3 – 4 inches. Attach the tube (catheter) to the bag, or to the syringe.

7. If you are using a bag, release the clamp on the hose that goes to the bag. Slowly and gently push the ozone in by squeezing the bag like a tube of toothpaste, or by pushing slowly on the plunger of the syringe. If you feel any cramping or discomfort, slow or stop the process until the discomfort resolves itself (most people will feel no discomfort at all). When you have infused the ozone, remove the catheter and discard it. (Note: Some websites recommend you clean the catheter for future use, we recommend you discard the catheter to ensure sterility. It is possible to clean and keep the catheter for future use, but you must ensure that you remove all material from the catheter and sterilize it. Never use a catheter more than 5 times because the ozone will begin to destroy the catheter and release toxic oxidized plastic byproducts.) Turn off the ozone generator. Turn off the oxygen flow valve (regulator). Turn off the oxygen tank.


Rectal Insufflation Method 2: Directly from the Ozone Generator (Note: this is provided for your information only; it is recommended that you do NOT use this method):

1/ Make sure your oxygen tank is full of oxygen. Most companies send oxygen tanks that are empty. If your oxygen tank is not full, check your yellow pages for a company that can fill it for you.

2/ If your oxygen regulator is not yet on your oxygen tank, attach it now. When you have completed this task make sure your oxygen regulator is attached securely to your oxygen tank. Keep in mind that you are dealing with a high pressure gas (the oxygen) so if you don't have the regulator attached properly, it will leak when you turn the oxygen on. If it leaks, you will hear a 'hissing' sound. Don't turn on your oxygen flow yet.

3/ Attach the oxygen line from your oxygen regulator to your ozone generator. Various companies use different types of connectors to make this connection. If you have purchased your oxygen tank from one company, and the ozone generator from another company, make sure you can connect the two together (the seal must be tight to prevent leaking). Make sure you connect the oxygen to the oxygen 'in' and not the ozone 'out' connection.

4/ Attach tubing to the ozone output of the ozone generator so you can get a comfortable distance away from the ozone generator. The tubing you are using should be a 'whitish' color and made of 'silicone'. Silicone tubing must be used because it won't be destroyed by the ozone. Do not use rubber, plastic, or latex tubing because they will be destroyed by the ozone.

5/ Now it's time to set the ozone generator. Refer to the ozone chart or graph that you received with your ozone generator. This is the guide that they should have provided to you that shows you how much ozone the ozone generator produces. If you don't have one, ask the manufacturer to send you one. (If they don't have one, don't use your ozone generator for any Ozone Therapy protocols. You must know what the concentration of the ozone is that the ozone generator is producing and you won't unless you have a chart or graph).

6/ Look at the ozone output guide, graph, or chart to find out where 30 - 45 ug/ml of ozone will be produced. Hopefully it will be at a flow rate of around 1/8 or 1/4 Liters Per Minute (LPM) of oxygen as these are the easiest flow rates to use. (Don't turn on the oxygen yet).

7/ If your ozone generator has a "energy" selector on it, or a dial, and make note of the dial to the setting that will produce 30 - 45 ug/ml of ozone. Set the dial to this setting now, but don't turn on your ozone generator yet. (The dial setting information should be displayed on your Ozone Output Chart or Graph. If you don't have a dial on your ozone generator, don't worry. Just make sure that the 'flow rate' that you have set in step 6 will product the proper ozone concentration of 30 - 45 ug/ml).

8/ Take your catheter and have a look at it. One end will have holes in it and a rounded tip. This is the end that you are going to insert rectally. The other end will have a connector on it, this is the end that you connect to the ozone tubing that comes from the ozone generator. Make sure that this connection will form a tight seal, because if it does not, the ozone will simply leak at this connection instead of going into you. If the seal is not tight, call the company you purchased the equipment from for advice. Some companies provide a 'catheter adapter' that will make sure the seal is tight. If you have one, use it.

9/ Lubricate 3 to 4 inches of the end you are going to insert with olive oil. (Do not use any petroleum jelly or other petroleum lubrication products!). Inser the tube 3 - 4 inches slowly and carefully. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop. DO NOT connect the catheter yet to the ozone generator.

10/ Now you are ready to start the Rectal Insufflation:

(a) You will first need to start the flow of oxygen from the oxygen tank. To do this you will need to open two valves. The first valve is on the top of the tank. Open this valve first by turning it counter clockwise as you look at it from above, just like opening a jar or bottle. Next, open the other valve which is usually the flow selector valve and set it for either 1/8 or 1/4 LPM.
(b) Turn on your ozone generator. When you do this, you will be making ozone.
(c) You need to make sure that ozone is coming out of the end of the tubing before you connect the tubing to the catheter. Most people will wait until they smell ozone coming from the end of the tubing. If you are going to do this hold the end of the tubing well away from your nose and mouth, and take small 'snifs'. Ozone can be very irritating if you inhale a lot of it.
(d) When you smell ozone, look at the second hand of your watch or a clock and connect the tube to the catheter. When you do this, ozone will be flowing into the catheter (and into you!). You need to 'time' the whole process so make sure you make note of the position of the second hand.
(e) If you are using 1/8 LPM setting on the oxygen regulator, let the ozone flow into the catheter for 1 minute. If you are using 1/4 LPM on the oxygen regulator, let the ozone flow for 30 seconds.
(f) Once the time is up, remove the catheter.
(g) Disconnect the cathter from the tubing.
(h) Turn off the ozone generator.
(i) Turn off the oxygen flow.
(j) Discard the catheter or clean it for another use. You can only use a catheter a maximum of 5 times.


(1) How Long do I have to hold the ozone?
The answer? You don't have to hold the ozone. Cuban scientists have recently proven that the ozone is completely absorbed and reacts with the tissue in the colon immediately upon entry into the rectum and colon. Years ago it was thought that you had to hold the ozone for 20 minutes. You may still find this 'holding time' written in instructions all over the internet. The great news is, this has been proven to be NOT TRUE. If you need to let the ozone go shortly after you have infused it, let it go. You don't have to do the insufflation again because the only thing you are releasing is oxygen, not ozone. As already stated, the ozone component of the gas was immediately absorbed by the body.

(2) When do I Do This?
Any time of day.Perform the procedure after a recent bowel movement. Some people may prefer to perform an enema or colonic before the insufflation, however this is not absolutely necessary.

(3) How Often? Never more than once a day, 1 to 5 times per week.

(4) What Concentration or Strength?
You must choose an ozone concentration setting on your ozone generator of 30 - 45 ug/ml or 'micrograms per milliliter'. "Micrograms per milliliter" or "ug/ml" are the concentration terms used to discuss the strength of ozone that should be used for each ozone application method. You must ensure that you can control the ozone concentratration (or 'strength') produced by your ozone generator. Carefully review your ozone generator manual to discover how to do this. If you did not receive a manual with your ozone generator, if the manual does not provide you with information regarding the ozone output levels of your ozone generator, do not perform the insufflation. You must know the concentration of ozone that you are using, and this is only possible if the manufacturer has provided you with an Ozone Output guide.

(5) Can I Use and Air Fed Ozone Generator?
NO. Air fed ozone generators are for air purification only, and sometimes for light water purification. Air fed ozone generators are 'industrial' ozone generators. The ozone they produce is not pure enough for ozone therapy (the ozone has contaminants in it), and it is not strong enough for ozone therapy. Make sure you are using an ozone generator that requires pure oxygen to be fed into it.

(6) How Much Ozone? That is, What Volume?
You must be using an ozone generator that uses pure oxygen as a feed gas. The flow rate of oxygen should be set for 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 Liter Per Minute; choose the flow rate that provides you with a concentration of 30 - 45 ug/ml. Never use an ozone generator that uses "air" for this procedure, as the ozone will not be the proper concentration, and the ozone will be contaminated with toxins and byproducts from the air. The speed that the oxygen enters the ozone generator is called the "flow rate" of oxygen. The flow rate will determine the concentration of ozone that the ozone generator produces. The ideal flow rate of oxygen to use for an insufflation is 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 LPM (Liters per Minute), but only if your ozone generator produces 30 - 45 ug/ml of ozone at one of these flow rates. This is the reason you need an accurate chart or readout of the ozone concentrations the ozone generator produces. If you do not have a chart that clearly indicates the concentrations of ozone your ozone generator creates, do not perform the insufflation until you have this information.

Infusing gas rectally is much like blowing up a balloon. For safety and comfort reasons the physician and patient must always ensure that only the desired volume of ozone gas is infused, at the desired concentration of 30 - 45 ug/ml. As described above, a typical starting point for many users is 125cc of gas. The ozone gas is infused through the catheter which is inserted into the rectum approximately 3 to 4 inches. Using the example above, the flow is then stopped, the catheter withdrawn.

(7) Can I use Higher Concentrations of Ozone?

Only for a specific purpose (Bleeding Colitis). If your goal is to use ozone for detoxification and to boost the immune system make sure you are using 30 - 45 ug/ml. Do not increase the ozone concentration because you will not be increasing the effectiveness and will only cause irritation.

The only time this technique varies is if the desired outcome of the rectal insufflation is to stop the bleeding associated with "Bleeding Colitis". In this case, the German standards indicate that the concentration of ozone should be 60ug/ml and the amount of ozone infused should only be 60cc. This higher ozone concentration will stop the bleeding, but will not heal the colon. Therefore the goal is to first stop the bleeding with the higher concentration (60ug/ml) and once stopped, the technique above is used to heal the affected parts of the colon. The basic guidelines are that ozone at higher concentrations (60 ug/ml) are used to stop bleeding and to sterilize. After this is accomplished the ozone concentration should be lowered to the levels known to cause healing, that is, 30 - 45 ug/ml.

(8) Can I do this for a longer period of time to increase the effectiveness?
NO. A recent publication encouraging a "45 minute rectal insufflation" should never be attempted. The author of this technique is under the impression that "more is better" and therefore performing an insufflation for this length of time should be preferable to the short rectal insufflation. Unfortunately the person who devised this technique and published it in a book is not a doctor, and has no previous medical training. He therefore has no training or knowledge with regards to how damaging this 45 minute rectal insufflation would be to people. The guidelines instruct someone to use two catheters, one deep inside the colon, and one only inserted a few inches. One catheter is used to infuse the ozone, while the other is used to allow the ozone to escape. This prevents the build up of any pressure within the colon, and allows the user to infuse ozone for as long as desired. Again, this method is assuming that 'more is better'. Unfortunately this logic is flawed and has absolutely no scientific basis. There is no increase in benefit in using this method, and in fact, the user attempting this method runs a very clear risk of massive irritation of the sensitive tissue within the colon. Ozone in proper amounts is a wonderful healing tool, however attempting a 45 minute rectal insufflation can actually cause irritation and damage of this sensitive tissue.

Ozone Sauna

The benefits of a steam sauna on the immune system and disease processes have been well documented. In addition to being relaxing and soothing, a sauna and the accompanying induced hyperthermia on the body, mimics the beneficial effects of a fever, without the discomfort. At 104 degrees F., for example, the growth rate of the polio virus is reduced up to 250 times; at 106 degrees pneumococcus, a bacterium responsible for pneumonia, dies.

Although the effects of this artificial method of increasing the body temperature are not as comprehensive as a natural fever, there are definite system wide effects. There is evidence that artificial fever works as an immune system stimulant by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body. In a 1959-review of studies on the effects of heat treatments, Mayo Clinic researcher Dr. Wakim and colleagues cite findings indicating that the number of white blood cells in the blood increased by an average of 58% during artificially induced fever. Researchers also have found increases in the activity of the white blood cells during induced fever.

Apart from the immune system-stimulating effects of sweat therapy, many thought it as one of the most effective and painless detoxifying treatments available. Sweat contains almost the same elements as urine, and for this reason, the skin is sometimes called the third kidney. It is estimated that as much as 30% of bodily wastes are eliminated by way of perspiration, and during a steam sauna, the body perspires profusely.

By adding ozone into this environment, the ozone is easily absorbed into the skin and lymphatic system because of the open pores. This provides an excellent detoxifying effect and it is also reported that the effects are once again not limited to detoxification, but may induce the desirable system wide effects that is desired in the medical use of ozone: oxygenation of all the tissues, organs, and cells of the body, boosting the immune system, stimulation of the release of anti-cancer substances from the white blood cells of the immune system, enhancement of blood and oxygen delivery throughout the body.

It is very important to point out that the sauna used for this treatment is of the type where the individual's head protrudes from the top of the sauna, and the individual is therefore not breathing the ozone / steam mixture. Concentrations used for this type of treatment are usually approximately 30 - 40ug/ml, and the ozone is introduced into the sauna at a rate of 1/4LPM.

Using the steam sauna is one of the most popular methods of taking advantage of this therapy. The steam sauna ozone system for applying ozone has many advantages:

(1) It is a relaxing and non-invasive approach to ozone therapy
(2) It cleanses the skin, pores, and lymphatic system
(3) The user will take advantage of 2 therapies at the same time: sweat therapy and ozone therapy (both individually with their own health benefits)
(4) You feel clean, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

Auricular Insufflations:

Many individuals have found it beneficial to irrigate the ear canal with the ozone / oxygen mixture from a medical ozone generator. As with every use of ozone for medical purposes the individual must ensure: the purity of the oxygen supply, that all parts of the ozone generator in contact with the gas stream are ozone resistant (eg. kynar, Teflon, glass, silicone), and that they know the ozone output (concentration of the ozone) of the ozone generator. This is extremely important - too little ozone and there will be no effect; too much ozone and there can be irritation to the ear canal.

The patient may first apply a small amount of water to the ear canal to assist in the absorption of the ozone. The ozone must be humidified by bubbling the gas through water. The usual concentration used for this protocol is 15ug/ml - 30ug/ml. The flow rate used is usually ¼ Litre per minute or perhaps 1/8 LPM.

The output tube of the ozone generator is held up to the entrance of the ear. At no time should the tube come into proximity of the eyes, nose, or mouth. Doing so may cause discomfort. At no time should the output tube be placed inside the ear, or sealed into the entrance way of the ear.
The ozone should be allowed to flow into the ear and out of the ear. Each ear is usually treated for 2-5 minutes per treatment.

Treatment schedule depends on the disease of the patient, and the effect on each individual patient. This therapy should not be performed more than once per day, and in most cases is performed 2-3 times per week.

Patients should individually modify the treatment protocol depending on their reaction. If any discomfort, redness, or "chapping" occurs, it is suggested that the patient increase the length of time between treatments, and decrease the ozone concentration coming from the ozone generator.

Many physicians have indicated that the ozone enters the lymphatic and blood system this way. Many patients have reported a wide variety of results including relief of allergies, relief of colds, clearing of sore throats and swollen glands.
Vaginal Insufflation:

A vaginal cannula is used to introduce the ozone gas to the patient. Unlike Rectal Insufflation, there is no danger of pressure buildup. The ozone concentration used is usually 25-30ug/ml, and the flow rate is usually 1/4LPM (litres per minute) or 1/8LPM. Treatment time is usually 5 - 15 minutes. The patient may lower the ozone concentration, and the duration of the treatment if any discomfort occurs. This treatment should not be performed more than once per day, and is usually only performed 2-3 times per week.

Many women have reported relief from yeast infections and various sexually transmitted diseases including herpes. Many women also use this method as an alternative to rectal insufflation as it is theorized that the ozone not only affects the pelvic region, but also enters the general circulation causing a body wide effect.

Women must not use this method close to, or during the time of menstruation as ozone at these concentrations increases blood flow.

Body Suit

One of the easiest and most pleasurable of the methods of using ozone, the body suit is both effective and relaxing. The ozone is absorbed through the skin, cleansing the lymphatic system, and reportedly inducing the body wide effects of ozone generally seen with other treatment protocols.

The patient first opens the pores of the skin by taking a warm/hot shower, after which they immediately enter the body suit.
The body suit must be sealed at the ankles and wrists to reduce leaking. Usually a towel is wrapped around the neck to increase comfort and to reduce leaking around the neck. If necessary, a fan may be used to gently blow any leaking ozone away from the individual. The ozone generator is set to produce a concentration of 25 - 35ug/ml at a flow rate of 1/4LPM.
The ozone must be humidified (run through water) and is introduced into the body suit.

The patient remains in the body suit for 15 - 40 minutes ( one usually starts with a 15 minute treatment and the treatment time remains that or is gradually increased depending on the desire and comfort of the individual during and after treatments). Treatment is usually individualized depending on the individual effects of the treatments and the desired effect, be it in treatment of a disease, or for general health. Individuals should be encouraged to use their own bodies and common sense as an indication of whether treatment times and concentrations should be increased or lowered. This treatment is usually performed 2-3 times per week, and never more than once per day.

Ozonated Olive Oil

Ozonated Olive Oil is used around the world for a variety of uses: acne, skin lesions, burns, fungal infections (eg. Of the toe nail), herpes, eczema, leg sores, bed sores, gingivitis, hemorrhoids, STD's, cold sores, and many others.

This appears to be the only way to stabilize ozone without adding artificial stabilizers, chemicals, or preservatives. Ozone is bubbled at very high concentrations, under a controlled environment for days until it slowly begins to solidify. This solid form of olive oil forms a Vaseline or salve like substance and will keep for many months on the shelf. If kept refrigerated, it maintains its full effectiveness almost indefinitely.

Some individuals even choose to ingest ozonated olive oil in order to obtain the system wide effects of using ozone medically. Click here for instructions as to how to make ozonated olive oil.


"Bagging" with ozone refers to the method of isolating a body part by surrounding it with a bag (such as hand, arm, leg, foot, torso, pelvis, but NEVER head), and introducing ozone. This can be used to treat gangrene, diabetic foot ulcers, bed sores, burns, any wounds that are infected or slow healing, or those that refuse to heal. This method is not intended to generate an immune modulating effect on the individual as in the methods above.

The bag is placed around or over the affected area, the output tube from the ozone generator placed through the top of the bag, and the top sealed as effectively as possible. Ozone at the desired concentration must first be humidified (simply bubbled through water) and then enters the bag; the ozone generator constantly runs during this treatment. Treatment times vary depending on the type of wounds being treated but typically range from 10 - 30 minutes. As leaking will occur from the bag it is suggested that this process occurs in a well ventilated area. After the treatment the bag will still contain a high concentration of ozone, irritating to the lungs, nose, and eyes if it escapes from the bag. This is usually disposed of in a safe manner. (In European medical clinics, a specially designed bag is used to ensure no leaking occurs, and after treatment the ozone is sucked from the bag by a vacuum pump so neither the patient, nor the attendant ever breathes in the ozone).

In this method the ozone kills any bacteria, viruses, fungus, or molds infecting the open wound, increase blood flow to the wound, and stimulates the healing process. It has been documented that many a body part has been spared amputation through the application of ozone in this method.

High concentrations of ozone applied through bagging (60ug/ml - 90ug/ml) tend to have a sterilization effect on the wound, but if used for prolonged periods will have a negative effect on healing. Mid range ozone concentrations (30-40 ug/ml) will have a healing effect on the wounds. Therefore the protocol as suggested by German researchers is to begin with the infected wound at 75-90ug/ml for the sterilizing effect, and as the treatments begin to clear the wound of infection, to gradually drop the concentration towards 35ug/ml. This gradual drop in the concentration will maintain the sterility of the wound, and stimulate healing. Individual differences in this protocol are taken into account by watching the effect of the ozone on the wound, and the rate at which it closes.

Major Autohemotherapy

This procedure is performed only by trained professionals, usually only in a clinic setting. Major Autohemotherapy is the preferred method of many practitioners, and it is used in well over 150 diseases. In Germany, even the ambulances are equipped with ozone generators; if ozone is administered within 24 hours of a stroke, 95% of patients suffer no permanent paralysis.

The Major Autohemotherapy protocol obviously requires medical grade ozone with no contaminants. Ozone generators that produce ozone from 'air' should never be used for this protocol, even if they have been fitted with an oxygen tank. Only ozone generators designed to produce pure medical ozone should be used. This protocol requires standard blood administration equipment, such as a Blood Administration Set (transfusion line), butterfly needles, evacuated container (or empty saline bag), heparin, calcium, and 60 cc syringes. The procedure involves the removal of approximately 125 to 200cc of the patients blood. This blood is withdrawn into the evacuated bottle or into an empty saline bag. The bottle (or bag) is then hung upside down, and ozone gas (the same volume as the blood withdrawn) is infused into the blood. But at what concentration?

Professor Velio Bocci of Italy can be accredited with being a major influence in the world of ozone in that he has been researching ozone for over 30 years at the University of Sienna. His research has shown that greatest immune system stimulation (activation) effects occur when the ozone is introduced into the blood at a concentration of 78 ug/ml. His detailed research has displayed that this concentration of 78 ug/ml illicites the maximum cytokine production from the white blood cells. These cytokines enter the body when the blood is reintroduced to the patient, and in turn stimulate other white blood cells within the body to also release cytokines, inducing an immunostimulating effect that spreads through the body like a chain reaction. While lower concentrations of ozone can be used for Major Autohemotherapy, Bocci's research clearly showed that cytokine production is maximized when the ozone is bubbled through the blood at 78 ug/ml..

In this procedure the trained professional constantly monitors the patient, and ensures the purity of the ozone gas, and the sterility of all equipment used. For the trained professional, this treatment is actually quite easy, and very safe for the patient.



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